James Robbins is a leading international CIO with over 15 years board level experience, collaborating with industry winning teams.
James has founded the Winning CIO partnership as a vehicle to provide strategic consulting to executive teams who wish to gain competitive advantage from an investment in digital transformation.
WinningCIO have a network of over 200 IT Leaders across the IT value stream available to companies wishing to evaluate / raise their solution maturity in the following sectors: Construction, Engineering, Energy, Education, Housing, Logistics, Rail, Retail and Transport.
An Innovative, ambitious CIO with drive and enthusiasm.
WinningCIO was created to support C-Suite’s on both sides of the digital transformation market to close the gap. This is achieved by proposition consulting to tech companies on one side of the market, helping them to understand target markets and clients better through workshops, introductions and events designed to support marketing teams provide high quality leads to sales teams thus ending cold calls, emails, low value meetings and linkedin spam for potential clients. On the buying side our network of experienced CIO’s, Enterprise Architects, Sourcing and Procurement Specialists employed in full time work are available on a portfolio basis to provide the valuable knowledge and insight necessary when engaging with a crowded and complex technology market place when embarking on a digital transformation.
Tech Vendors (Sellers)
Executive Clubs
Bespoke Events
Proposition consulting & Market evaluations
Sales coaching & review
Tech Leaders (Buyers)
Portfolio consultancy opportunities
Free Career development & support
Free Online and in-person events to support aspiring and experienced C Suite Tech Leaders
View our active portfolio consultants
IT Maturity Assessments
Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.

James Robbins
CEO/CIO/CTO &Technology Consultant
Case Studies:
Quadient, Jacobs, NCFE
WCIO Projects:
Jacobs, Royal Mail, Drax, Northumbrian Water, Abellio Transport, Northern Rail

Johnny Parker
Enterprise Architect & Technology Consultant
Case Studies:
Quadient, NCFE
WCIO Projects:
NCFE, Quadient, Royalmail
Primark, Royal Mail, Clarks, The Body Shop, New Look, Tesco, Vodafone

Gary Quinlan
Enterprise Architect & Technology Consultant
Case Studies:
Quadient, Jacobs, NCFE
WCIO Projects: Quadient, NCFE, Yodel, Expleo, South Eastern Railway
Michael Kors (Capri Hd)
Yodel/ArrowXL, Tesco, Royal Mail, BT, United Utilities

Albert Gribben
Technology Sourcing & Procurement Consultant
Case Studies:
WCIO Projects:
NCFE, Expleo
NHS, NCFE, Morrisons, Electricity NW, RWE, AEG, Northern Rail

Joanna Sims
Director of Sales & Marketing
Case Studies:
We Fight Fraud, Expleo Exec Club, Pyramid
WCIO Projects:
We Fight Fraud, Expleo, Pyramid
Bernard Delatrez, We Fight Fraud, Coombe Wood Golf
WinningCIO – Bespoke Events
We have a range of speakers, consultants and a network of IT people than we can bring together to suit your needs. Whether that’s for tech sales and marketing purposes or leadership team building.
WinningCIO can work alongside you to customize the event and even project manage the whole engagement.
- Event Catalogue:
- Data Politics, James Robbins WinningCIO
- Immersive Tech, Richard Armstrong
- Breaking the glass ceiling: Becoming a board level Tech leader/NED Natalie Whittlesey
- The Exec Guide to AI, Andrew Burgess
- Global Macro Economics and Geopolitics for Tech Leaders, Paul Mason
- Open Data Lessons Richard Bursford
- Embracing Diversity in Tech, Shadow Minister for Digital, Chi Onwuhra
- Crowdsourcing Innovation, Nigel Watson
- The Record Label Business Model, Paul Bowman Label Ventures
- Mindful Eating for Optimum Personal Effectiveness, Colette Heneghan
- School in the Wall, Sugata Mitra TED Talk on how people learn
- Talent Wars, Best Sourcing your global workforce – Jochen Alt
- How to maximise effectiveness in a hybrid workplace – Rob Cordova Duke University
- Sustainable IT –The Carbon Data Ladder – Professor Tom Jackson
- Divesting an IT Function – Darren Curley, CTO National Gas
- Navigating the world’s largest capital program in KSA – Abdul Aziz
- SMART Cities in 2030 – Wendy Shearer – Smart Cities
Event Diary-
- Thursday 30th November – London – The IT leaders guide to Divestment – Darren Curley CTO National Gas
- Thursday 26th October – Online – The Carbon Data Ladder – Prof Tom Jackson
- Wednesday 25th October – London – The Exec Guide to Ai – Andrew Burgess
- Tuesday 26th September – Amsterdam – Explaining AI challenges to the board – Andrew Burgess
- Wednesday & Thursday 20th & 21st September – London – PreAutumn Statetment on the Economy & Tech in 2024 Paul Mason https://londonspeakerbureau.com/paul-masonbio/
- Tuesday 19th September – Amsterdam – Immersive Tech – Richard Amrstrong